SO CUTE!!!1!!

I spent a good five hours last night playing with the Crayola Model Magic, and since it has to be used all in one sitting, I decided I’d make as many snail magnets as possible. I had already made about a dozen leaves with magnets in them for tiny snails, so I made the bodies for those first. Then I switched to my snails with tiny balls of yarn as their shells. I left them overnight to dry, and this afternoon, I added the final touches: eyeballs and smiles. To say the least, these are so damned cute!!!! I have pictures to prove it!

This first picture was taken last night when I put the snails out to dry. It doesn’t have a face yet, but you can see the body and shell as well as the little trail of yarn it’s leaving behind it. I made thirty-one with the bright yellow, and an additional three with a pastel yellow (just ’cause I had it lying around and wanted to see what it’d look like).

Adorable yarn snail!

Below is a picture of all the bright yellow snails once I drew their faces on with Sharpee markers. So much cuteness in one place!

Yarn snail invasion

And of course I had to get a close-up on one of the little guys since they’re so adorable. 🙂

He's soooooo cute!

I have an army of snails in the living room! Heehee. 🙂 I’d be crafting more right now, but my arthritis is acting up more than usual (I think it’s going to rain soon), so I’m going to work on computer stuff instead of making more pumpkins (I made one today) or eyeballs (I made one of those today too) or whatever. I’ve got one more episode of Victory at Sea before I’m done with that series, then I think I’ll get back to working on something.


3 thoughts on “SO CUTE!!!1!!

  1. auntie 502


    Your snails are darling! Will you be adding antenna to their little heads too? A couple of fun things to do for eyes is to press tiny beads into the heads before they dry or use the end of a paintbrush to "indent" two eyes!! Working in clay was lots of fun for me, but I've never used this type! Keep of the great work and thanks for the compliment about my artistic ability from my first post.

  2. Rook

    Feel the power.:

    Do you enjoy having an army of snails to do as you command? To bad they'll probably be as slow aas the robots from Red vs. Blue.

  3. Erando

    Yes, my snail army is awesome. :):

    And I really like the idea of beads for eyes. Since this is the first I've worked with this clay, I wasn't sure about the stability of eyestalks, but beads should work out just great! I like trying new craft ideas; and next up might be playing with a Dremel to try and make my own crochet hooks. I think I might make the handles out of clay.

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