Turkey Day!

Yesterday, the husband and I spent a great Thanksgiving with the Doyles, and today, we’re having our own Turkey Day. In fact, the bird has been in the oven for about twenty-five minutes now. If the time stamp is at all accurate and you look at it and think, “Hey, it’s like 3:30 in the afternoon; what’re you doing starting the turkey this late in the day?!” Well, first off, it’s a twelve- pound bird so it won’t take altogether that long to make (in fact, I think I may have put it in quite early) and besides, we’re not eating until 9:30 tonight. That’s when the boys get off work tonight, so there’s no point in it going in earlier than this. I’ve got a schedule written up as to when I need to start the other dishes, figuring out what needs to be prepared first and what should start cooking when so that it’ll all be fresh when the guys get home. I’m normally not very good at getting a meal together all at the same time, so I figured a strict schedule would help. I’m ahead of schedule though. I had it written down that the turkey would take longer to prepare, so it’s in the oven a little early. Hopefully it’s not too early. We’ll see. At any rate, I might think to update this post some more later when there’s more cooking done. I’ll also have to try and remember to take some pics to post when it’s all said and done. As it is, I’ve washed my hands so many times from handling the turkey that my hands are chapped, and there are a few dishes to wash just to keep from having a huge accumulation of them later. So, it’s washing dishes and playing the DS until the next item on the schedule pops up. BBL!

While I’m thinking about it, here are some links to some of what I’m fixing today:

  1. Turkey
  2. Dressing
  3. Mashed potatoes
  4. Cornbread
  5. Pumpkin Pie

2 thoughts on “Turkey Day!

  1. Dad


    Did your turkey end up looking like your link? If you think the time in the oven will be too long, just turn the temperature down for the first part of the cooking. I usually start my turkey about 12 to 13 hours before serving. Just the first 6 hours are at a slow oven.

    Love, Dad

  2. Rook

    Neh, this is Tommy's question….:

    …. that and I'm in a slight rush. Tommy wanted to know if you used Grandma's recipe for the stuffing or something like that… (I know it's not the pumpkin pie.) Neh whatever see ya.

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