
I dream too much. There are just days–soemtimes sometimes in a row–where I dream damn-near non-stop and wake up groggy, hazy, and confusef confused. I’ve been awake now nearly a half an hour, and I’m still not processing much at the moment other than I need to brush my teeth. Last night’s dreams consisted of going to a dilapidated theater to support an Africa-AIDS- Awareness sort of festival only to have the building start to collapse in on itself whereupon several members of the Star Trek: The Next Generation crew appeared and had one of their usual rescue crises. Somewhere after that, or sometim sometime after that (Brain’s sto;; still not working at tje moment.) I was in a play at some other theater practicing reading lines with the other tertiary characters and then trying to make a jail cell out of folding chairs, folding tables and a person only to decide that some plubming plumbing joints and dowel rods would be better equipped to handle thte the job. There was a lot of other stuff inthere in there, most of which I”ve I’ve forggoteen forgotten, but my brain’s still a jubmle jumble of spent emotions, lots of running around and intricate plot lines which won’t unravel because I’m not no longer in the dream world where they were originally spun. Havoc. I mean, in one of the dreams (I think the one where I was reading liens lines), I spent quite a while determining whether I needed bivocals bifocals to read the scripte script books because my visions vision was blurry. Maddness Madness. Garg. Well, I’ve just gotten distaracted distracted by a bug on my desk, and I have yet to go back and edit the egregious mistakes in orthogrphy orthography that I’ve made so far. Maybe I’ll fix them later. Right now, I need caffeine. Don’t wanna sleep right now.

Edit: If you think this is a lot of mistakes, think again. Even half awake or barely awake, my natural tendancy is to immediately hit the backspace button the second I start misspelling something or make some other mistake. That any errors remain is due to stopping caring and accidentally hitting the insert more often than the backspace. I don’t think that my posts would be legible if it weren’t for constantly hitting the backspace. One of these days, I need to learn how to type with fewer errors.

3 thoughts on “Hazy

  1. Dad

    Review before post.:

    I like the feature Katie and Sarah have where you can review the post before submitting it. I catch a fair number of typos when I do (I forget sometimes).

    Love, Dad

  2. talam

    It is coming.:

    I had been giving rantfest an overhaul on a local copy and amoung the tons of things being changed/added is preview functionality for posts. I want to add everything I wanted to add to rantfest but couldn't figure out or was too lazy to add before. But as with nearly all changes to rantfest, it will take forever, especially since all my coding attention is going to HoL until it is done. So yeah, one day you will get preview functionality, but I wouldn't hold your breath.

  3. Erandomandethius


    Generally what I do is post something then read it on the main page for errors then go back into the editor and fix any errors I come across. This post was typed when I was really, really groggy and I thought I'd go ahead and leave typos in it to show just how tired I was. Usually typos don't last very long in my rants otherwise.

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