@#$%! leg

So I woke up earlier with a horrible leg cramp. My left calf muscles just decided all at once to seize up and cause considerable pain–enough to wake me up. I’m never entirely sure what to do with leg cramps. I’m used to arthritis pain which is primarily in the joints. When a muscle goes nuts, I’m not sure how to treat it. Ian wasn’t in bed at the time, so I wasn’t going to wake him up with my rocking back and forth, cursing my leg as I held onto it with my hands. It was bent up, so I figured I’d stretch it out. Makes sense, right? So I flexed it as much as I could then flexed it more when the pain started lessening. Finally I got it to straighten out, and I kept bending and unbending it for a minute just to make sure it wasn’t going to go crazy again. It still ached, but at least it wasn’t shooting pain all over the place like Lushbaugh’s new Nerf tommy gun. After a few minutes, I put it down, cursed at it some more (as is my custom when something wakes me up in the middle of a good sleep–mostly because good sleep is rare for an insomniac like me), then went back to sleep. Upon getting up, I noticed that it still hurts–kind of a dull ache which is most noticeable when I walk. That is more like the arthritis I’m used to only it’s located square in the muscle and not in my knee. Also, my left shoulder hurts. Go figure. After my shower, I’m going to douse both with Bengay (Hooray Bengay!) and grumble at them to both shut up. I hate it when my muscles and joints yell at me. I’m fine with them occasionally talking, but I hate it when they get loud. Maybe I’m getting restless leg syndrome. We all know what that means: sticking a bar of Ivory soap in the bed. I’m sure Ian wouldn’t notice; he conks out on the couch 75% of the time anyway. Good thing I have about ten bars of Ivory sitting in the bathroom closet, eh? Oh well, I don’t get leg cramps altogether that often, so I’m figuring it’ll probably be a while before the next one. C’est la vie.

5 thoughts on “@#$%! leg

  1. Dad

    Leg cramps:

    I think it has to do with potasium (mispelled) deficiency. More bananas. Bad cramps also leave the muscles slightly brused. It will ache for a while.

    Love, Dad

  2. Lushbaugh

    I know a place:

    Try Potassium, Potassium, Potassium they're good, that's on 5th. Or Everything Potassium, or you know what, just head over to the potassium district.

  3. Rook

    Leg cramps….:

    I think iI've had one or two cramps. What I think you should do is massage it to relax the muscles. That and potassium. So what i would do is step one so you can move again, and then find a chemist or somone like that and buy a bar of pure potassium and eat it. *whispers* I am normal…

  4. Lushbaugh


    And if you run into monsters, just hurl sodium at them. That's the premise of Horror at Party Beach, another great MST.

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