Comics cleaning

I keept telling myself I’ll get around to a real update as to the random crazy going on in my life, but today (or at least right now) is not then. Or something. At any rate, what I have been doing today since getting up is cleaning up various parts of my webpage which (I’m farily sure) no one ever looks at but me. Then again, I created my Comics and Archiving pages so that I could read my comics daily and then add links to the ones I haven’t gotten a chance to read all the way through. Regardless, that’s what I’ve been doing. I’ve archived several comics recently which means the Comics page has been updated several times–some of the comics going into my weekly reading list while some have been immediately relegated to the “No longer reading” or even “No longer up-dating” columns. As for the Archiving page, I’ve been cleaning out my Opera bookmarks (and organizing and categorizing and alphabetizing) and decided that the thirty-odd comics I have bookmarked there really ought to go where they belong–on the Archiving page. I’ve also added in the date when I add it to the list because sometimes that helps me. I’d explain why, but I’m sure it wouldn’t make any sense to anyone. So far I’ve tossed in about fifteen comics to archive, and there’s about another twenty sitting in my bookmarks just waiting to be moved. I’ll get around to it later, or tomorrow. At the moment, I really just want to curl up in front of the TV with some 1930s Sherlock Holmes movies and crochet. Oh, also on the Comics page, I’ve moved some stuff around. The Art sites used to be at the bottom, which meant they were really far down there (Have you even seen how long my “No longer reading” column is?!), and I wanted to add columns for Comedy sites and Comic-related sites. So I moved them above the other comics where they’re easier to get to rather than scrolling for ten minutes to reach the bottom of my “No longer reading” column. And, as always, feel free to hop over to the Archiving page to suggest other comics you think I should look at. Just leave the URL in the comment and I’ll get to it eventually. Though, and I know this is a hard favor to ask, if you are going to suggest comics, please try to check my Comics/Archiving pages first to see if I already have it. Four out of five times when someone suggests a comic for me to check out, I already have it listed somewhere. The problem, of course, is where exactly because I have my links listed first in order of their weekly up-dates, then by whether they’ve stopped up-dating entirely or whether I’ve just grown bored or disgusted with it and have tossed it in the “No longer reading” pile. At least they’re all alphabetized, right? Gotta love the librarian/engineering instincts for the obsessive organization traits. I try no to make the comics difficult, but the system that works for me may not work for other people…probably because other people don’t read roughly seventy comics weekly. It’s a hobby, much like the tea obsession. That page needs up-dated too. Ooh, something else to do! Neat! At any rate, I’m tired typing. Later!

3 thoughts on “Comics cleaning

  1. Dad

    I could't find this one on your comics links. Though not really a comics site, it has some interesting things on it. I sent a copy of the hooters calendar to Sarah. She liked it.

    Love, Dad

  2. Rook


    Hey I told you about this web comic called "Looking for Group." This of course was in the last set of comments I left on you blog. The one about Ian and tens years and shit.

  3. Rook

    Five seconds later…..:

    God damn it. I should have read the comment you put on your last blog thing… Whatever! I guess I'm always five second late… Damn you Murphey's Law damn yyyyyyooooooouuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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