
On a recent shopping trip to Wally World, Ian and I got fairly domestic. I’m not sure how it started–probably something to do with the fact that we’ve been meaning to get a new salt shaker/pepper mill set–but once we got on a housewares kick, we had a hard time stopping. To be honest, the way in which we’ve accumulated kitchen utensils and appliances is rather convoluted and complex, so the idea of simply going out and getting a bunch of it all at once has never really occurred to us. Here’s a run-down of how we’ve gotten most of our kitchen supplies:

When I started college, I inherited Katie’s old dorm silverware and bought a couple small microwaveable bowls. I got some free plastic cups from various fund raisers and organizations and still have many of them. When I started a bank account up here, I got two Pyrex glass dishes. The parents gave me a plug-in tea kettle which I have in the office right now and still use all the time. When Ian moved up to Terre Haute with Damien, we shared dishes with Damien and slowly added a few more things like a coffee maker. Ian already had some pots and pans that he got from his parents, but we got a big cooking pot and ladle for spaetzle once I brought a spaetzle maker home from Germany. When we lived with Courtnee, Lucas, and Damien on Crawford, we got a few new things such as a knife set (from the wedding) and a crock pot and a deep fryer and more cookie sheets (Damien had used a pizza cutter on one and kinda ruined it so he got us more though we still have the one with all the grooves in it), etc. We finally moved out on our own which meant we needed plates, bowls and more silverware to cover for the fact that we were no longer sharing. While living there, we inherited Ian’s grandma’s ceramic plates, bowls and cups but we kept them packed away so no one would break them (and because we didn’t have the room to have them out). Over various Christmases, we’ve gotten an ice cream maker, a pizza stone, pots and pans, cookie sheets, a tea kettle (We got a second this past summer.), and a hand mixer not to mention a lot of very well-used plastic containers. Since moving to Ohio, we’ve gotten a rolling pin, bread pans, cake pans, wire racks, a ton of random cooking utensils such as spatulas, a pizza cutter, an ice cream scoop and a meat tenderizer. We eventually got a metal container to hold the important utensils near the stove, and we got glass canisters for sugar, flower and the like. We also picked up a second large pot with a lid for chili. So far, I have failed to mention the veritable swarm of mugs I’ve collected since high school–mugs which Ian wishes weren’t taking up so much of our cabinet space. Our kitchen was starting to have a fairly complete complement of kitchen gear, but well, after years of accumulating stuff from lots of sources, some of it has broken or gotten really worn, and other stuff like the microwave has just stopped working right. It’s mismatched and crazy looking. The salt shaker/pepper mill combo wearing out was just enough catalyst to get us looking for all new kitchen gear.

So we went to the housewares department for a salt shaker and pepper mill (we got really nice ones, by the way), and ended up with a new set of stoneware plates and bowls, new silverware (We can finally retire Katie’s old dorm silverware!), a tray for the silverware (We had been using one of the decorative baskets that came with the Pyrex dishes.), and a new microwave. We saw a microwave that talks, but Ian decided I’d probably freak out too much if it started talking when I wasn’t expecting it. Recently, Ian brought up the old kitchen table from the basement, so it is now where the old camp table was in the kitchen, and believe me, it’s much more sturdy and less insane-looking than the camp table. Now all we need to do is totally go through and wash all the dishes, organize and put everything away so I can feel like we have a real kitchen with real plates (Not plastic!) and silverware (The set we used to have always felt fake for some odd reason.) with our new microwave. Who knows? Maybe I’ll even feel like cooking more. Hehe, maybe. Now what we need is a dishwasher. 😉

On an unrelated side note, I got ten inches of my hair chopped off Tuesday. It’s a little longer than it was the last time I got that much hacked off, so I like it better than the last time. Now only another two and a half years before I can donate more hair to Locks of Love. If I remember, I’ll post a picture.

8 thoughts on “Domestic

  1. Lushbaugh

    That's our problem:

    We have two of everything you could need in a kitchen which makes it hard for our guests to buy gifts for the wedding. However we do not have a pizza stone. And a talking microwave would be freaky, it's one step away from the robot holocaust.

  2. Dad


    When did you become a buckeye? Oh yeah, that's Ohio STREET. Well congratuations on the new kitchen stuff. Being the one who does most of the cooking, kitchen stuff is always nice. You said that you brought up the old kitchen table from the basement? Was that the one we gave you that the legs fall off of ocassionally? I think that it was the one that we had just after Mom and I got married.

    Did you wait until after your last class before doing the Lock of Love donation? Students probably won't reconize you.

    Love, Dad

  3. Erando

    Different table, actually:

    The one you and Mom gave us has been in the kitchen this whole time; we brought another old table up from the basement which was left here by the previous tenants. I guess yours is older, so it'd be the older one and the one Ian brought up is the old one. 😉

    And I had one final left after I got my hair cut. They freaked out, hehe.

  4. TheBackofMyMind

    Burial and Hair:

    Did you give Katie's silverware a proper burial?

    The Wife is growing her hair out again so that she can donate to Locks for Love again. Grats on your donation?

  5. Dad

    Proper burial?:

    I doubt that Erin will ever throw anything out unless it is broken. The old Silverware will probably just be religated to the back of some drawer only to be gotten out at the next move or possibly if all the other silverware is dirty.

    Love, Dad

  6. Dad

    Still there??:

    Still don't have a picture. Been quite a while since you posted. Did the hair cut have anything to do with that(like Sampson)?

    Love, Dad

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