
The week is nearly over. That means next week will come quickly, and hopefully it will go as quickly as it arrives. My brain’s pretty fried. I referred to my cell phone as an “aardvark” yesterday for some odd reason, and then in class I couldn’t even remember the word “concert” when trying to describe a situation where a lot of people get together and listen to music. Yup. Need a break. Today is going to be spent grading papers until after the cows come home, and I hope to also have my final exams ready for photocopying by the time I leave here so I can just copy them and not worry about them over the weekend. Though about a half an hour or more of my office hours are going to get eaten up by student oral interview proficiency exams, but that’s not too bad, I guess. They shouldn’t take too long and then I’ll get back to typing typing typing. At least I have caffeine, right? Right. Time to drink some more and get out all the tests for the previous chapter exams and start working up the finals. Wheeeee.

One thought on “Aardvark

  1. Dad

    What if you don't have cows?:

    We have sheep here and they go home about 6PM most days. Good luck with next week. How is Ian's education coming? Don't hear much about it.

    Love, Dad

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