Crocheted bikini

I have a calendar here at work called “Crochet pattern-a-day,” and today’s pattern is for a crocheted bikini. Fascinating. So I get to look at a mannequin waring a gold-colored bikini all day during my office hours. Joy. At least it’s better than the overly-bright purse made out of Kool-aid foil drink wrappers or the baby Abraham Lincoln hat/beard and so on.

At any rate, not that there’s much of a point to all this rambling, but I thought I would point out that excluding finals, I have only five days left this semester to teach. Then I’ve got three days of finals, turning grades in, and it’s all over. Summer break. Though there are a few possibilities that I might continue to work in some fashion over the summer such as Miller’s idea of teaching French at Upward Bound as well as tutoring French to high schoolers. I got a phone call yesterday (to which I need to respond) from someone wondering if I could tutor this summer. It’s not bad money–either of the jobs–and it keeps my hand in. Though I have to admit there’s a fairly large part of me that just wants to curl up in a corner somewhere in the house and let summer pass me by untouched. Haha, fat chance.

So I’m going to spend the day grading papers, typing up study guides and sorting out the pile of miscellaneous papers that has been accumulating on the corner of my desk for the past couple months. Terribly exciting. I think that since it’s about a quarter of nine, I need some tea. Caffeine is good. Caffeine is a good name for a cat. I love Caffeine.

3 thoughts on “Crocheted bikini

  1. Dad

    Crochet pattern-a-day?:

    Does this mean that you should be able to get the pattern crocheted in a day or do you end up with a lot of unfinished things?

    Summers never pass and leave us untouched. Best hope is that it at least doesn't hurt when touched.

    Are you going to change Kitty's name to Caffeine? Bet she wouldn't make the transition.

    On another tangent, we got a different car, one I think Simon will be able/willing to drive. It's a 1992 Dodge Caravan. Brings back some memories.

    Love, Dad

  2. Erando


    Since several patterns span several days, I guess I could see how it's meant for each to be done in a day, but I'm guessing most of them are more for keeping and working at a later date.

    And we're not changing Kitty's name to Caffeine; it just occurred to me that Caffeine would be a funny name for a cat.

    And what in the world are you doing with yet another Dodge Caravan? Wait, it's not a [b]Grand[/b] Caravan? It's smaller than mine? That should make parallel parking easier. 🙂

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