
The house has yet to burn down, and now that the electric company has come down to work on the wiring outside of the house, the chances that power surges/drops will cause a fire are now minimal, less than the chances were before this fiasco. It wasn’t our wiring that was screwed up, it was the wiring in the alley that was causing problems. Since they’ve come out, our lights don’t dim at all unlike what we had gotten used to the entire time we have lived there. So the electricity is fine and we’ve plugged just about everything back in. The modem was completely fried, and Ian was expecting about three days before we got the new one, but it arrived on our doorstep just before I left for work. We should be on-line soon. Oh, and the server? Yeah, the power supply was fried. We yanked the one from Brannagh only to find out that it was probably the power supply all along that was causing her problems, so we’re using a different power supply in the server. It’s A-OK now as well.

The husband is back which means I can stop carrying the kukri around with me everywhere at night. He had a good time visiting family while he was away, but now he’s glad to be back in the Haute and have his girls back. I think he missed Kitty about as much as he missed me, and Kitty started paying attention to me again once he was in the house. She sure is insane. I’m glad to have my household back again though.

I have to try and remember to run to the License Branch after work today because I need to get the tags on the van renewed. Yesterday on our way back from a snack run at the store, I tried to remember how long we’ve had the Mom-mobile, and I couldn’t think of it at the time. Of course, I was exhausted and driving, so I didn’t put much effort into it. I’m guessing about three years. Does that sound reasonable? I don’t know what I’d do without my Mom-mobile. I’ve decided I really am a minivan sort of person.

I called Tony Tuesday. I had just gotten off the phone with the husband and was still feeling lonely, and I realized I hadn’t talked to my old prof in a while. We chit-chatted for about an hour about random things, and he reminded me that I still haven’t gotten him a hard copy of my thesis. Actually, I haven’t gotten hard copies to anyone on my committee. When I got the original printed, we were totally broke and couldn’t afford any more copies. Maybe I’ll get around to that this month as well once all the bills are paid and we come up with how much money we’ll have to spare. It was awesome talking to Tony though. I can’t believe it’s been five years since we first met, and yet talking to him on the phone yesterday, it felt like we hadn’t spent any time apart. Isn’t it great how friendship works like that?

I’ve been doing a little more work on my second novel. Book Two is moving more slowly than Book One did, but then again, when I started Book One in 2002, I was away from friends, family, work, video games, television, and everything else that could possibly distract me. I am enjoying the work on Book Two, and I’m having fun tossing ideas around with Ian who is also working on a short story. I love that we have creative writing in common. It helps each of us come up with ideas and work on our texts. Maybe this summer we’ll both have much more finished concerning our writings.

It’s snowing. Not much–just flurries really and there’s no way it’ll accumulate–but I find it hilarious to see how students and staff react to the insane changes of weather, especially since I work with so many international students. They’re all confused as to why it was eighty degrees just two days ago and now it’s bouncing between thirty and forty. What do I tell them? It’s Indiana. You get used to chaos here.

I have twelve days of teaching left which includes two days of final exams. I give three exams on April 30, almost all in a row, and then I have another on May 2 then I’m done. There’s twenty-two days left this semester. I still haven’t come any closer to a decision as to whether I want to continue teaching or to give it up for a while so I can get my bearings as myself again. Tony suggested I go back to grad school for the Masters in Library Science, Brad said he’d hire me back as a tutor part-time if I wanted it, and Ian’s fine with whatever I do so long as I’m happy. I need to decide soon. I just don’t know.

So on the agenda for today is: grading papers, writing lesson plans, giving a test to a student, a Basic Studies meeting, getting the tags on the van renewed, and watching more Star Trek: Voyager. I’m midway through season six. Sounds like a boring day? I’m looking forward to boring for a while.

4 thoughts on “Enfin

  1. Lushbaugh


    Glad to hear the house isn't going to get fried in the near future.

    I would say you've had the van a good three years, I think it was the summer you and I went to delaware when you got it.

    Go temping, sign up with Manpower and Kelly's for the summer. That should help you decide which you really prefer.

    Also let Ian know that he is invited on the road trip tomorrow if he wants to get up that fucking early.

  2. Simon

    Sub Woofer:

    Oi! Those bloody power surges fried the fuse (I think that was it) in my sub woofer. Luckly it's fixed. The only other thing I can say is that I'm glad the bloody power surges are less.

  3. Dad

    Library Science:

    If you get a Master in Library Science, would you be able to take over the ISU library?

    Love, Dad

  4. Erando

    Hmm, a take-over…:

    It could be like the invasion of England in 1066 by William the Conquerer! Sounds like fun. 🙂 And I think if I got a Masters in Library Science, I'd probably lean pretty heavily toward cataloguing and processing/preservation. Patrons are annoying.

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