Intellectual stagnancy

At present, I am faced with a sort of duality in my life. On the one hand, I want to leave behind Academia for a brief period in order to give myself a break from the tedium of lesson plans, grading, and classes; on the other, I sorely miss the pleasure and enjoyment of taking classes, being challenged by research papers, and learning new things. I enjoy teaching, but not nearly so much as learning, and I don’t feel I’ve learned much new or useful information in too long a time.

There has been a lot of debate in my mind as of late as to what I want to do in the near future. I simply cannot continue teaching low-level French if I’m not enjoying it and the students aren’t getting everything they need as a result of it. I have never misled myself to think that I would be good at teaching introductory French, but having only a Master’s, that’s the general scope of what positions I can look forward to in the future if I choose to continue in this vein. An option is, of course, to go back to school and get my PhD in French so as to teach the higher levels, but even that is not what I really want to do. Teaching French is convenient, but I am no more attached to French than I am to English, seeing both as simply languages and therefore interesting to study. Had I taken German, I would undoubtedly be teaching German right now. My interests lie in linguistics and in research. Research, I have found, is far more interesting and likable than teaching students who don’t want to learn. For every one student who is interested in the subject, there are twenty–or more–who are not. And while it pains me to feel so eccentric and snobbish, I simply do not enjoy working with people who do not like to learn. One would think that at a University there has to be some degree of enjoyment from education or else they wouldn’t be here. If it were so horrible to learn, then they wouldn’t–or couldn’t–stay. Yet here they are, adding to the misery of my existence as a lover of education to see students unwilling to even spend five minutes to scribble out their homework before class begins or who cannot comprehend the concept of studying at all.

I’m bouncing haphazardly from subject to subject, I know, but it’s difficult to focus. It has been so for a while now, and that fact alone bothers me enough to know that I have to do something in order to remove myself from this rut. And if removing myself from this rut means removing myself from teaching, then so be it. I need a change. I need to get back to what I enjoy so that I don’t fill my time with fruitless game-playing or putzing about in order to mask my mental boredom, convincing myself that I’m “doing” something when I’m really not at all. I don’t know that going back to classes is what I need either, however, and maybe I just need a change so drastic that I finally get my ambition back to do something more interesting. After all, I’m no intellectual slouch. I can do whatever I want to do. I could have been a math major or physics major or history major…just about anything, really–excepting, perhaps, chemistry and economics. I have the capacity to do just about anything I set my mind to. I just need to get my mind going again, is all. It’s awful that I need a jump start at all.

I suppose part of me feels bad that I would much rather work with books and journals than with people, but I have never been a great lover of the human race, finding the majority to be far too single-minded and inane. Having been an outcast and “freak” from kindergarten on, it’s understandable that I react to them with diffidence and in a stand-offish manner. This tendency on my part just makes me wish all the more that I had gone a profession based on research or data. While the human element would still exist (and is necessary), at least I would presumably be working with people with similar interests and a more common goal. The goals and interests involved in teaching a hundred different people includes too many ridiculous variables to be effective. I’d much rather tutor one-on-one than have twenty-five disparate people in one room. I seriously think I would be best off returning to the employ of a library where I can work on records and books in relative peace. I could also get back to my own research, which I miss sorely. I am not good with people, and in order to gain a little bit of happiness back, I feel I need to get away from them for a while or at least deal with them under wholly different circumstances. I need something; I just don’t need more people.

13 thoughts on “Intellectual stagnancy

  1. Dad

    Stay away from supervision!!!:

    Dealing with people is one of the main reasons I have stayed away from supervision. Even as an engineer I have to deal with people who always think they know it all and don't have to listen to anyone. At least I get to bury my nose in my CAD program and work with parts that don't talk back.

    Love, Dad

  2. Erando


    Maybe I should have been an engineer. 🙂 I'd be fine burying my nose in a program, dealing with inanimate objects. Books don't talk back either, and while patrons do, I wouldn't have to mess with them if I specialized in cataloguing or book preservation. Glad to know I'm not the only person in the family who has difficulty dealing with the brainless.

  3. Lushbaugh

    I know I know:

    It sucks. Sitting in front of a screen all day, typing meaningless numbers, keeping yourself entertained by composing little stories or going over history lectures in your mind to keep yourself from going mad with boredom.

    I need to get back into teaching. I don't care if it's for a bunch of highschool brats. I can build up experience, a new crop of references, do some research projects then I can try for my PhD again.

    Just be thankful you're in your field and using your degree.

  4. Miller


    If you'd rather work one-on-one, have you thought of getting your TOEFL certification? I might be able to hook you up with some other people at Sony to work with.

  5. Erandomandethius

    Ixnay on ESL or TOEFL:

    In my near-constant self-expression of my intense hatred of people picking on me for having studied French, I guess I have neglected to express my complete disinterest and distaste for ESL. 99% of the grad students in LLL are there for ESL; I was the only one there for pure linguistic research and I grew to resent the perpetual deluge of ESL brouhaha forced down my throat. So no, no ESL for me even if it is one-on-one. You have fun with that though.

  6. Miller

    I don't necessarily like it either:

    It seems to pay the bills, though.

    Seems like we've got a bad case of ennui. How do we shake it off?

  7. Erandomandethius


    I plan on drawing more comics and possibly working somewhere totally unrelated for a while. I'm more concerned with paying bills than where I work, which isn't a great way to live, but I can't just sit around until I get my ass in gear. I dunno. It's a problem that has plagued my mind since the beginning of the semester though. 🙁

  8. Katie

    Write a book!:

    Course then you'll have to deal with book tours and people totally not getting your writing and…

    Good luck getting out of your ennui.

  9. Sarah

    You might be surprised:

    I am really enjoying my job at the video store, even though as a college graduate I should probably be working somewhere more lucrative. You might want to look in the want ads, etc. because something might jump out at you that's more your style.

  10. Erando

    The thought had occurred to me:

    Actually, I thought about how you're working at a video store and enjoying it and that maybe I should get back to working someplace like that as well. I mean, for as sucky as working at a fast food joint is, I had a lot of great times at Hardee's. Maybe I'll grab the want ads later and see if something strikes my fancy.

  11. Sarah

    Look carefully:

    I would watch out for places where you have to stand on your feet all day, though, since you have problems with your knees. I don't get breaks at the video store (which, granted, might be a little atypical), so an 8-hour shift equals me standing on my feet for 8 straight hours. I hope you find something you like!

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