
They closed the university today at noon, so I scraped some more ice off the van (She’s coated in about an eighth of an inch of ice already.) and drove home. What had been about an inch of slush covered in some new snow is now an inch of slush covered in some new snow covered in a thickening layer of ice. All the branches and trees are absolutely coated with ice, and most every other surface outside is becoming progressively more icy as well. The temperature is supposed to drop this afternoon which means the inch of slush covered in new snow covered in ice is going to become an inch of ice covered in snow covered in ice. Not really optimal driving conditions, eh?

If the sleet and freezing rain continue on into the night, the university may be closed tomorrow. I guess that would give me a day to catch up on laundry and grading, eh what? For the moment, however, I’m thinking a cuppa sounds nice and maybe I’ll do some more bird watching with Kitty. She was just chriping at some little feathery friend a few minutes ago, so I tossed some old cereal off the back porch so that I might help the birds a bit as well as give Kitty something to complain about. So I’m going to go enjoy my ice day (Since it’s not really a snow day, is it?) and watch some random movies.

2 thoughts on “Icy

  1. Sarah


    What the hell?! They never canceled class while I was there! And while we're supposed to be getting almost 3 feet of snow before Wednesday here, I'm glad we shouldn't have any ice. Good luck.

  2. Erandomandethius

    It is odd:

    In the nine years I've been here, they've only ever cancelled night classes before, so it is really odd for them to close the university at noon. I'm about to check and see if there's any posting about tomorrow's classes yet since it has been snowing/sleeting all day and is just getting worse. I'd take snow rather than ice any day!!

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