In between classes

Well, I’m in my office in between my 101 and 202 classes. I’ve got about twenty minutes before I have to get up, so I thought I might toss a quickie message up here in the interim. I still have a crapload of stuff to grade, but I’m going to drag that to the laundromat with me tonight since I still have laundry to do. I figure I’m feeling a little better, so I ought to get it done quickly before I deteriorate again. Deteriorate. Is that how that’s spelled? Huh, yeah it is. I just looked it up in my French/English dictionary to be sure. At any rate, grading–lots of it.

Yesterday I spent part of my office hours putting a game up on my door. I’ve got a bunch of French sayings that have to do with cats, and I wrote them on cards and then lettered them. Then I made a list of English translations and numbered them. I put all of it on the door, and so now it’s a matching game to figure out which lettered French saying goes with which numbered English translation (and no, they don’t go in order, duh). I put the answers on a card underneath the English translations, so if you lift up the translations, a list of answers is taped there. I got a lot of funny looks and comments yesterday as I was working on it since I was playing with tape and colorful cards and markers. But that half of the door looks much nicer, and I’m going to put another matching game on the right side once I finish making the cards. That one’s going to be where the English saying has something to do with cats and you’ve got to match it with the French saying. I don’t have as many of those, so it’ll need less room. Maybe one of these days I’ll put it up here on my site. Won’t that be fun? And yes, I picked cats because I love cats but also because there are a lot of random French sayings that have to do with cats. For instance, in France, one doesn’t play “tag,” one plays “cat.” Jouer au chat, is what it’s called, and you’re not “it,” you’re “le chat.” C’est toi le chat! is their equivalent to saying, “you’re it!” Cute, huh? I think it’s cute.

Blech, my feet hurt. Not as much as the husband’s feet, but they hurt nonetheless. I need new shoes. After all, I’m on my feet pretty much all day Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and since it’s getting colder, I can’t just cop out and wear my cutsey sandals all the time. The work shoes I have are still in pretty good shape, but I need more variety. Shoes and shoe-shopping are really the only activities that give away the fact that I’m female, though I know some guys who are really into their shoes too. 😉

At any rate, I think I need some more caffeine before I go to my next class, so I’m gonna hit the soda machine. Actually, since they switched from Coke to Pepsi, they’ve also added a machine that has those Starbucks Frappaccinos in all the flavors. Maybe I’ll get one of those in lieu of a Mountain Dew. We’ll see. At any rate, it’s back to work for the Crazy French Lady.

3 thoughts on “In between classes

  1. Erando


    We have a washer and dryer, but the washer's completely broken, so I have to run to the laundromat to wash the clothes, but then I just bring them back here to dry them. When I get my first paycheck, Ian and I are going to go out and get another one. I can't wait!!

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