Little things

En lieu of grading papers or preparing lesson plans, I’ve been watching the 1915 film series “Les Vampires” and doing Sudoku. This is more than a little similar to last night when I was watching old horror flicks and working on the webpage. I got a lot of little things done yesterday, however. For starters, I added links on the Pictures page to all the posts that have pictures in reverse chronological order. I added several rants to the Writings page–particularly those which are prose passages or are more prosaic than my regular rants. I put several memes and surveys that I found in amongst my rants up on the About Me page, and I added a couple links to the blogs/pages section on my Links page. All in all, it was a just a bunch of little stuff, but it makes me feel more organized at least.

Speaking of organization and cleaning, I went through nearly 650 e-mails that were in my Yahoo inbox, trimming the final number down to 8. I didn’t delete all of them, rather I finally got around to putting most of them in the folders where they belonged. I did a little of this on my Gmail account too, trimming the inbox from about eighty to about twenty. I didn’t have to worry about doing this to my Hotmail account because since I hadn’t logged in for about half a month, they erased everything and made me reactivate my account! Whatever–it’s less mess to deal with. Next I need to go through my Groupwise and Mymail accounts (both ISU-based, the former being for staff and the latter for students). I probably also ought to get some grading done too though, eh what? At the moment, however, I’m still reeling a bit from that freaky omelette I made and a general need for caffeine. I probably ought to go make a cuppa and curl up around my gradebook. Hope everyone’s week’s going well so far!

2 thoughts on “Little things

  1. Katie

    What did you put in the freaky omelette?:

    That's a lot of emails. While I have a gmail account, I only check it like once a month. I can't keep up with multiple email addresses.

  2. Erando

    L'omelette bizarre…:

    Well, it was turkey and cheddar cheese, which aren't bad in and of themselves, but then I added some Greek seasoning, garlic, lots of ground pepper, some salt, and uh, something else I can't remember. What was mainly wrong with it was the fact that it quickly fell apart into what became basically scrambled eggs with burnt patches. I suck at omelettes. Ian recently discovered a new omelette recipe that I'm going to have to force him to make for me. 🙂

    And keeping up with FIVE e-mail addresses sucks ass. I think I'm just goint to have to let the hotmail one go despite the fact that it's my oldest.

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