Bad Brannagh

Brannagh’s harddrive died last night. It’s a good thing Ian backed her up last week when she started giving us grief. She’d been making some ticking noises, and yesterday, it got worse. I just left her on in EQ with my character selling in the bazaar. However, we blew a fuse (or circuit breaker thingie, whatever) somehow and she went down like everything else in the house. When I tried to bring her back up, she wouldn’t have it. Some of the same errors as last time came up, with worse ones cropping up. She’s just dead…again. This happened before last year in the spring. What the fuck is up with Brannagh and hating harddrives? It’s not even like I filled her up with crap again or something. Hell, it’s not like I even used her much there for a while during the Jerry-writing thing. @#$%^&*?!

So I had Ian order me a new 80 gig harddrive. It’ll run about $50 or so with shipping. That’s $50 that could be going to fixing the minivan or paying back relatives or one of many bills, but at least it’s only $50 and not like $100 or $200. I can’t wait until I get paid…next week. 😛

Other than not being able to play EQ or one of my many other games (which I really haven’t been playing much anyway), it’s not really the end of the world. Jerry’s on Buster, and I use my machine here at work to check my webpages. It’s just a damned inconvenience, and it’s even more damning since this is the second time this has happened in the past year. Stupid harddrives. I wonder how long the new one will last.

One thought on “Bad Brannagh

  1. guess

    one word:

    i have but one word for you: SCSI. so, ok, fine… technically it's not a word, it's an acronym for four words.

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