Comic and writings

I added another comic to the links page, as if anyone really has the time to go through all of them at this point. The comic is the Coffee Achievers, and it’s really quite a “I draw this on my Livejournal to have my crazy fantasies played out” sort of comic with Wiccans, lesbians and people hanging out in coffee shops. Lots of repeat themes, honestly, but then again that may be because I’ve read a lot of Questionable Content which has had all of that and is better drawn. Oh well, it’s amusing in a cute sort of way.

As for the bizzaro problems I’m having with my writings page (specifically the Earth Elemental chapter), I think that it may just be Opera that does it. I loaded up the same page in IE, and the apostrophes, quotation marks and M-dashes were all fine. Strangeness abounds, I guess. At any rate, I’m going to see if I can’t get the chapters from my first book up there and perhaps come up with an actual layout instead of that lame-o table thing I’ve got worked up currently. What I’ll probably end up doing will be to separate fiction from poetry and add dates so it’s clear when I’ve most recently updated it. Oh, and comments all around, if I remember to check that box on the Rantfest edit screen. So, that’s my update for today. I’m not wearing my glasses and so seeing is kinda blurry.

One thought on “Comic and writings

  1. Jamie

    I'm loving this!:

    I think I've actually heard the "Not 'know someone' as much as 'Saw it on Buffy the Vampire Slayer'" comment in real life, swear. LOL!

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