More archiving

Well, I’ve archived another couple web comics and have linked them on my links page. Boy on a Stick and Slither has way too much dumb religious crap in it to be totally funny, but occasionally there are interesting and witty comments about society and stupid people to make it almost worth putting up with the uneducated god comments now and again. The second is Punks and Nerds and while the art style is pretty lame for the most part and the plots are overdone and often boring, again, the occasional funny line or insight kept me going. Though now that it’s archived, I’m sure that the funny lines will be much fewer and far between. I’m not even sure which of my regular web comics linked to this one, but that doesn’t matter a whole lot now. I really need to work more dilligently on some of the big names like PVP or Mega Tokyo because those are among the heavy hitters when it comes to online web comic references and cross overs.

The more I think about it, the more I wonder why it is that I do this exactly. It’s not really research, it’s not really anything that I plan on developing into a life-long career or even goal. I mean, I enjoy the web comics I’ve done and would love to create more. I like the idea of Tony and I finishing our work on our French comics to teach pronunciation. But does reading dozens of online comics really help to further anything productive in my life? I don’t know. I’ve drawn comics since I was little, much like the fact that I’ve written poetry since as long as I’ve known poetry existed as something to do. It’s just part of who I am, who I’ve always been, and reading comics just went hand-in-hand with wanting to draw them–looking at style, method, genres, etc. All of it just seems to fit together for a reason or not. I guess I do it because for the most part, I enjoy it. I suppose it’s something like people who surf web sites on music or hunting or shopping; it’s something I do on the web. There are worse things I could spend my time archiving. I’ll let your imaginations go there, however, since it’s really really really late here and I’ve got a campaign to run later. I need sleep. Maybe I’ll draw a DnD comic. That’d be funny, especially if I draw on my friends’ characters/campaigns as examples/material, hehe. Oh well, to bed with me. Laters, all.