Category Archives: Rant


So I’ve been having a lot of fits lately with stairs. I have, after all, a slight phobia of stairs, but normally it’s not too bad on stairs I climb all the time like the ones in the apartment or the ones here at work. There are staircases out there (and I can think of at least three clear examples) that paralyze me in mid-step, but I’m not around them much. However, for the past three or four Continue reading

Emergency contraception

I just got back from the Commons with my lunch, and on the sidewalks around the Hulman Memorial Student Union, someone has written messages in sidewalk chalk about emergency contraception and how it helps prevent abortions and how it needs to be made more readily available in the United States. Now, this may just be me, but isn’t emergency contraception itself Continue reading


Before tonight, I can’t remember the last time I stepped on a scale. Maybe a year ago or two. It’s been a while. The last time I was weighed I was at about 165 or 170. It was distressing enough at the time to know I was a big fat cow, but now that I’ve gotten a bathroom scale and stepped on it, I know that I’m worse than a cow–I’m an elephant. Continue reading

Musings of a caffeine addict

So I have about uh, 60 or some-odd varieties of tea, as is evident on my tea page, and we all know from the crack-like giddy state which most people experience the Erando-maniac in, that I’m well, addicted to caffeine. Not that I see anything wrong with this, mind you. The body adjusts to having that caffeine and compensates in whatever ways it does that, and the only drawback is Continue reading

Long X-mas Rant

You know, I like Christmas and New Year’s because it means a break from work and classes as well as a chance to get out of the Haute and visit family. What I don’t like about this particular holiday season are the fundamentalist nuts who get pissy about people saying “Happy Holidays” rather than “Merry Christmas.” The entire world isn’t Christian, and while I can understand their Continue reading


Yeah, getting a new fish (post later, and reasons why it’s later will come soon) and some new stuff for the fish tanks Sunday morning was cool. Visiting with the in-laws Sunday was awesome ’cause this is the first time they have ever seen any of the places we’ve ever lived, and they like Kitty and liked the food (which I cooked, for some odd reason). Even hanging out with a Cooper’s hawk on Continue reading

I hate crowds

No, this isn’t the rant I was talking about this morning. This is in response to lunch in the Commons with the throngs of other ISU students, staff and faculty. First off, before I begin my laundry list of problems with crowds, I need to point out that I should start bringing in my lunch every day to try and avoid the aforementioned crowds. That being said, here’s my list of gripes against crowds. Continue reading

I had a point earlier…

I had a point I wanted to go over earlier, but do I want to make it right now? At eight in the morning, I had even formulated a sort of mental outline of the way I would construct this rant, delineating major points and even adding in some examples. I had a goal and I had the drive to do it, but then work set in and I realized I needed to get my weekly mass e-mail out to my students Continue reading