Category Archives: Webpage

Huh, really?

I hadn’t realized it has been so long since I updated the page. I’ve been at the computer a lot, but most of it has been working on my novel for NaNoWriMo. I finished the book, actually. It was on November 21 that I finished it. It’s a small book, but happily I was able to get just over fifty thousand words in it to meet the NaNoWriMo goal. In the end, I got 56,516 words. The crazy Continue reading

Some updating

No, I haven’t finished typing up chapter seventeen yet though I’m probably about a third of the way through. I ended up spending a lot of time figuring out where I want the chapter to end, and that resulted in about an hour’s worth of trying to figure out where I want all the other chapters to end. I finally decided to work my way backwards to determine chapter beginnings and endings, Continue reading


Saturday night, my page got hit with eight spam messages that got through the filtering system. So I did what I usually do and went into the backend to delete them then turn on the captcha for each of my recent posts to prevent more getting through. That pretty much fixes it, for the most part, but sometimes much older posts without the captchas get hit so I have to go digging around Continue reading

WiG, Take 3

Tada! WiG (as I commonly refer to Writing in Green) has gotten a facelift thanks to the husband. I’ve had the idea of making the page look more like a notebook for quite some time now (as in months), but I could never quite figure out how it would work, and I wasn’t sure I could draw it in the first place. But Ian took care of all that for me by coming up with the spiral Continue reading

Time killed

Rather than grade papers or come up with lesson plans, I wasted most of last night playing with my webpage. I finally updated my Quizzes page. Now, rather than have all of the on-line quiz results on one page, they’re broken down by category such as personality and zodiac stuff. I have a separate document on Buster with a bunch of other results in it, and I’ll probably get around to Continue reading

Awake still

Well, I’ve been watching a lot of South Park, playing a little soduko, and working on the webpage a bunch. I’ve finally got my Atheist webpage up which has a lot of links to Atheist sites, tons of Atheist quotes and some other random stuff. I’ve also moved all of the comics that I read on a weekly basis from the Links page to a page devoted completely to Comics Links. I figure that it Continue reading

Little things

En lieu of grading papers or preparing lesson plans, I’ve been watching the 1915 film series “Les Vampires” and doing Sudoku. This is more than a little similar to last night when I was watching old horror flicks and working on the webpage. I got a lot of little things done yesterday, however. For starters, I added links on the Pictures page to all the posts that have pictures in reverse Continue reading

This is going to be broken for a while

I’m currently working on getting my website’s file directory cleaned up so that things like pictures and files will be easier to find in the future. The husband has suggested that I do this time and time again because, honestly, it really is a kinda braindead idea to have all my pics and files and pages in one directory. It takes forever to find things and it’s just a pain in the butt regardless. So I’m Continue reading

Google rankings and tea

Adagio teas, the website where I have been getting almost all of my teas lately as well as where my IngenuiTea is from, has this promotion where you put a link to them on your website and they send you a free sample based on your Google page rank. So a rank of 0-2 gets a single sample, a rank of 3-4 gets a four-pack of tea, and a rank of 5 or more gets a four-pack of tea plus an Continue reading

Comic and writings

I added another comic to the links page, as if anyone really has the time to go through all of them at this point. The comic is the Coffee Achievers, and it’s really quite a “I draw this on my Livejournal to have my crazy fantasies played out” sort of comic with Wiccans, lesbians and people hanging out in coffee shops. Lots of repeat themes, honestly, but then again that may be Continue reading