Category Archives: Life

Surgery, part 3

Wanna see something gross? Click “More” in order to see the first picture from the surgery. Mind you, it’s gross. I don’t suggest looking at it at all unless you’re OK seeing gross surgery photos.

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Surgery, part 2.

OK, so here’s what happened after the surgery, or as much as I can remember of it. I woke up in what I assumed to be a recovery room with an oxygen mask sort of leaning against my face. The nurse who saw my eyes open told me to breathe deeply, so I did for a bit, then she moved the mask and periodically reminded me to breathe deeply. I complained (or tried to) that my mouth Continue reading

Surgery, part 1

Don’t expect this to be typed all nice or anthing because I’m still recovering from yesterday’s surgery. I figure what’s a few typos? I just has my adenoids, tonsils, and a tumor the size of a walnut removed. I’m entitled to some bad spelling here and there. So here’s the run-down on how yesterday went or as much of it as i can get typed before feeling too blech to confinue. Continue reading

Benign metamorphic adenoma

Haven’t posted here in forever. I periodically think of things to write, but I never get around to typing them up. For this, though, I think a lengthy post is necessary, so I’ll try to muddle through despite being horribly distracted by life right now. I suppose I’ll begin in the beginning because it’s the easiest place to start.

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Huh, really?

I hadn’t realized it has been so long since I updated the page. I’ve been at the computer a lot, but most of it has been working on my novel for NaNoWriMo. I finished the book, actually. It was on November 21 that I finished it. It’s a small book, but happily I was able to get just over fifty thousand words in it to meet the NaNoWriMo goal. In the end, I got 56,516 words. The crazy Continue reading

Back to school

I just finished signing up for an on-line course at Indiana State University. It’s a library science course called “School & Public Library Administration.” I would rather have taken one on material acquisition or cataloguing and cataloguing management. While I sometimes help out a little with what books to get, acquisitions isn’t really one of my responsibilities, and the odds of me Continue reading

Been busy

Yesterday I watched three documentaries while editing pictures for a display I’m making for the library. I watched a documentary on ancient Jerusalem, one about volcanoes, and the last was on the history of the United States Congress. The common theme? All explosive topics, heh. At any rate, I’ve been busy, and with the weather the way it has been, my head feels a bit like exploding Continue reading

Happy birthday, Tommy!

Hooray! The little bro is one year older today! I know Tommy’s planning on going out to eat today, and I hope he has a good time. We had fun chatting on the porch yesterday for a while. I hope he gets M&Ms from someone. They’re a must. 🙂 At any rate, it’s like one in the morning right now, so I’m gonna keep this short so I can pass out ’cause I gotta work in the morning. Continue reading

Happy birthday, Baby Doll!

Happy birthday, Ian! I’ve already given you your birthday M&Ms, so you’ve gotten at least that much of the celebration out of the way. 🙂 I know you’re not much of one to celebrate birthdays, but I thought I’d at least get a shout out on the page so everyone else can celebrate it for you! Happy birthday!