Looking at numbers

I’m more than a little anal retentive, and sometimes I like to organize and nitpick and collect details just a little too much. Case and point: I wrote down every single daily word count from last year’s NaNoWriMo event, and I have so far written down every daily word count from this year too. The numbers are interesting to compare. Last year, I worked more in fits and spurts with giant leaps between days whereas this year I’m much more consistent in simply plodding along. Here, I’ll show you. 🙂

     Last year            This year

  1. 1216             7226
  2. 1216             7649
  3. 6279             9140
  4. 7782             10694
  5. 7782             15490
  6. 8579             15490
  7. 17379           16605
  8. 20936           22498
  9. 20936           23382 (for right now)
  10. 25405           ???

There was an initial jump there at the get-go this year, but after that, it’s been more steady I think than last year. Then again, I’m not planning on doing any math on this…yet. I’m lame enough to actually do such comparisons, but not right now. Right now, it’s late and I wanna just type a little more before conking out because I know I won’t get much of anything written tomorrow due to the crochet class after work. Still, I’m curious as to whether or not I might break the halfway mark tomorrow like I did last year. I kind of doubt it, but it’d be neat nonetheless. At any rate, good night!