
So I’m sitting here on the couch watching Pump up the Volume with Rook while eating a bunch of breadsticks and I got to thinking about choice. It happens a lot, actually–thinking about choice–pretty much because that’s a huge part of the philosophy by which I live my life. So at any rate, I’m thinking about choices and how fascinating the power of choice is. I mean, ’cause if you think about it, we can’t control most of what happens in our lives. We can’t control the weather, the other cars on the road, how people react to us, even the major trends in shoe fashion. No control. What we can control is how we choose to react to all these things. If it’s raining, I can choose to stay in, go out, use an umbrekka or not, wear a raincoat, or just go streaking happy as a jaybird down the street (the latter’s probably a bad choice though, hehe). I mean, seriously, the possibilities are amazing in their diversity.

While the movie is mostly what got me started thinking about this, where the train of thought derailed was here: I chose to eat a bunch of breadsticks because there were no more tomatoes and now I’m thinking that choice was a pretty silly one. Nevertheless, it was my decision, so I’ll accept the responsibility of hellish garlic breath for the rest of the night. It’s too bad my choice is going to also make Rook and the husband suffer, hehe. 🙂 Now I choose to end this post so I can either do more crafts (I made a couple necklaces and a pair of earrings for myself) or play WoW. Whee!