Lego Star Wars 2

Over the weekend, Ian, Damien, Rook, and I wandered aimlessly around Wal-Mart where I saw Lego Star Wars 2, the sequel to a game I already own and have beaten. The first Lego Star Wars game was immensely cute although I didn’t know the story lines very well, having seen Episodes I-III only once each. Lego Star Wars 2, however, is Episodes IV-VI, movies I know very well. I had been meaning to buy it for some time but knew I had no time for it. Well, now I have the time, so I picked it up.

Rook went home yesterday, ending his two-week visit and meaning I wasn’t going to drive anyone in the living room crazy with squeals of glee at playing my Lego-based video game. So while Ian was at work, I popped it in and started building things and smashing things and finding sweet loot and thoroughly enjoying myself. This game is so utterly adorable! Take the funness (yes, that’s a word now) of the movie and multiply it by the cuteness/playfulness of Lego people running around with little capes and lightsabers and you’ve got an altogether great game. I plan on playing it some more today. (Especially since WoW is down for maintenance this whole morning and into the afternoon.) I think after that I might work on typing up some more of Book 1 (I really ought to come up with titles for my fictional novels) or draw some comics for my French pronunciation workbook which I’m tentatively naming Parler Games after “parlor games” and because a lot of these pronunciation activities were viewed as games by my students. What do you think of the title?

Meh, the post isn’t about my books; it’s about Lego Star Wars 2! I must go see if I can unlock some Dark Force characters so I can go back to the earlier levels and try to unlock some more secret areas. SWEET!